Sweets and snacks Candies, sweets Surprise eggs and lollipops
Šokolaadimuna mänguasjaga Kinder Surprise 20g
72,50 €/kg
Šokolaadimuna Kinder Joy 20g
67,50 €/kg
Pul.kommid kotis The Best Of Chupa Chups 120g
21,25 €/kg
Pulgakomm Melody Pops Chupa Chups 15g
50,00 €/kg
Pulgakomm Dumle 10g
29,00 €/kg
Pulgakommid mini Chupa Chups 120g
24,08 €/kg
Šokolaadimunad Kiddy 20g
64,50 €/kg
Pulgakomm The Best Of Chupa Chups 12g
36,67 €/kg
Pul.komm kott Tonque Painter Chupa Chups 120g
Pulgakomm XXL Play List Chupa Chups 29g
27,93 €/kg
Pulgakomm Bazooka Mega Push Pop Duo 30g
86,33 €/kg
Pulgakomm Fazer Muumi 8g
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Pulgakommid Moomin Fazer 120g
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