Product description
Country of origin
7 pcs.
täiskasvanud väikest kasvu koertele, aitab säilitada hambahügieeni, vähendab hambakattu. Teravili, taimsed valguekstraktid (siguri inuliin 0,4%), liha ja loomsed kõrvaltooted (kanaliha 6%), mineraalained (tetranaatriumpürofosfaat 2,3%), õlid ja rasvad (omega-3 pulber 0,1%). Analüütilised koostisosad: toorproteiin 13%, toorrasv 2,5%, niiskus 19%, toorkiud 1,7%, toortuhk 7,5%. Toitainelised lisandid (kg kohta): vitamiin D3 (3a671) 200RÜ, vitamiin E (3a700) 15mg, biotiin (3a880) 20µg. Tehnoloogilised lisandid: säilitusained. Toodetud Saksamaal
Additional information
värske vesi peab olema alati kättesaadav. Kohandage oma koera üldiste toitumisvajadustega
Storage and usage information
tootja registreerimise number: DE NW 1 26879
Product information and pictures have been prepared for information purposes only, and are designed to enhance your shopping experience on the RIMI website. The actual appearance of the product may differ slightly from the picture. Received goods may be in different packaging and look different or might be in different shape. While we have taken care in preparing this information and believe it is accurate, you should read the information on product packaging and label prior to use. You should note that products and their ingredients are subject to change.